title sponsor 7.24   Volvo is the title sponsor.
  bill sponsor 0.92   The bill sponsor is Rep. Ken Calvert, R-Calif.
  conference sponsor 0.92   Conference sponsors say drug is good.
  team sponsor 0.92   The national team sponsor is Coca Cola.
  tournament sponsor 0.92   In addition, the tournament sponsor can extend invitations.
  series sponsor 0.86   The Yankees signed the New York Mercantile Exchange as its series sponsor.
  year sponsor 0.79   The new sponsor this year is Cisco Systems.
  plan sponsor 0.72   Conflicts can lead plan sponsors to fail in their fiduciary duties.
  terrorism sponsor 0.72   Countries designated terrorism sponsors currently include Iran, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Sudan, North Korea and Cuba.
  debate sponsor 0.53   Then the debate sponsors agreed to the satellite hookup.
  fund sponsor 0.53   He expects Barclays and other fund sponsors to do more.
  government sponsor 0.53   This includes avoiding interference from government sponsors, too.
  technology sponsor 0.53   AmericaOne is backed by top technology sponsors SAIC, Boeing and Ford.
  tobacco sponsor 0.53   He will meet with tobacco sponsors and with FIA president Max Mosley next week.
  tour sponsor 0.53   There will be no official tour sponsors, however.
  senate sponsor 0.46   Senate sponsors now say they will try.
  beer sponsor 0.39   Anheuser-Busch, not Heineken, is the official beer sponsor.
  company sponsor 0.39   It gives baseball a second park with a juice company sponsor.
  event sponsor 0.39   While in London, Olajuwon will practice with the English league team London Towers and meet with event sponsors.
  charter sponsor 0.33   So did Sears Roebuck, also a charter sponsor.
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