lift spirit 10.93   Hugo lifts spirits.
  violate spirit 5.20   But it surely violates its spirit.
  capture spirit 3.75   None of these captured the spirit.
  dampen spirit 3.09   Spirits are dampened.
  break spirit 2.96   They could not break her spirit.
  keep_up spirit 2.83   She keeps my spirits up.
  raise spirit 2.83   Sunshine works wonders to raise spirits.
  have spirit 2.57   We have spirit.
  boost spirit 2.04   That boosts spirits.
  revive spirit 1.71   Our spirits were revived by his enthusiasm.
  buoy spirit 1.51   My spirits were buoyed.
  embody spirit 1.25   He embodies the spirit of the age.
  invoke spirit 1.12   Urban Africans invoke village spirits with bloody celebration.
  keep spirit 1.12   I want to keep the spirit, but I want it to be me.
  show spirit 0.99   Show your spirit!
  catch spirit 0.92   Catch the spirit, man.
  destroy spirit 0.92   Tourism has not destroyed the spirit of Bali.
  fight spirit 0.92   The image of Hwe fighting spirit of the Korean team.
  reflect spirit 0.92   A recent poll reflected the spirit of the times.
  appease spirit 0.86   Church bells are rung to appease evil spirits.
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