physical specimen 1.91   Trust me, the guy is a physical specimen.
  new specimen 1.05   The new specimen has not been named, the researchers said.
  fine specimen 0.79   At the next table sit two fine specimens of Mancunian youth.
  perfect specimen 0.79   He held up what appeared to be a perfect specimen.
  surgical specimen 0.79   Two surgical specimens were examined.
  small specimen 0.66   It was a small specimen mounted on a perch that looked a lot like our birds.
  rare specimen 0.59   So what do these rare specimens do?
  large specimen 0.46   Never, he proclaims, has he seen such magnificent large specimens.
  prime specimen 0.46   Shelves hold amber molds made using prime specimens brought in for traditional mounting.
  single specimen 0.46   Some of these populations, Amaral said, are represented by only a single specimen.
  remaining specimen 0.39   The remaining specimens were examined histologically.
  beautiful specimen 0.33   They are beautiful specimens, almost too cool to touch.
  fossil specimen 0.33   ...North American fossil specimens.
  impressive specimen 0.33   Gonzalez, known as a hard worker, is an impressive physical specimen.
  live specimen 0.33   He turns treacherous and does plenty to try to bring back a live specimen of the alien.
  medical specimen 0.33   They will also move more than a ton of Russian hardware and experiment equipment, including medical specimens, to the shuttle.
  smaller specimen 0.33   He released a dozen smaller specimens before keeping the one trophy.
  unusual specimen 0.33   He even visited morgues to find unusual specimens.
  collecting specimen 0.26   Indian doctors and health officials apparently performed well in collecting specimens from patients.
  imposing specimen 0.26   Over the years, McGwire has grown into the most imposing physical specimen in sports.
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