medical specialist 8.36   Other medical specialists disagree.
  defensive specialist 4.48   Armas was a defensive specialist.
  legal specialist 4.02   Other legal specialists were less alarmed.
  forensic specialist 3.95   Forensic specialists pursue a disturbed teen-
  back specialist 2.90   He is to see a back specialist Monday.
  return specialist 2.24   Is threat as return specialist.
  military specialist 2.17   Several independent military specialists agree.
  marketing specialist 1.91   He also hired a marketing specialist to sell his invention.
  russian specialist 1.65   I have a clear vision of my future as a Russian specialist.
  financial specialist 1.58   Financial specialists disagree.
  american specialist 1.51   One American specialist said the case was complex.
  nuclear specialist 1.32   Fechner, a German government nuclear specialist, said in an interview in Bonn.
  technical specialist 1.32   Tomba said he thought the new procedure penalized technical specialists.
  leading specialist 1.18   The physicians who wrote these statements were the leading specialists of the time.
  western specialist 1.18   Western specialists hailed the vote.
  orthopedic specialist 1.12   The Warsaw-based company makes products for orthopedic specialists.
  independent specialist 1.05   Independent specialists agreed.
  international specialist 0.99   International specialists are expected to arrive Saturday.
  local specialist 0.92   Local specialists disagree over whether the cold weather or OPEC is more to blame.
  trained specialist 0.92   They are highly trained specialists.
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