offensive spark 1.25   Harbaugh is the offensive spark.
  electric spark 1.18   He passed an electric spark through a mixture of gases.
  electrical spark 1.12   The gas is ignited by an electrical spark.
  bright spark 1.05   It was a bright spark for the Colts.
  creative spark 1.05   Look for creative sparks to fly.
  little spark 0.99   I guess Foley was a little spark.
  small spark 0.79   There is a small spark of optimism.
  immediate spark 0.66   Neifi Perez provided an immediate spark for one team.
  real spark 0.59   I thought he showed a real spark.
  static spark 0.53   Even so, the attraction of a static spark as a theory is clear.
  stray spark 0.53   Stray sparks fell and ignited piles of rags and furniture.
  tiny spark 0.53   But as she looked at him, a tiny spark of anger flared within her.
  needed spark 0.46   The strategy seemed to provide a much-needed spark.
  romantic spark 0.46   Ms. Foster and McConaughey fail to generate a single romantic spark.
  special spark 0.46   I think he has a special spark to him.
  welding spark 0.46   Welding sparks may have been to blame, he said.
  blue spark 0.39   There would be blue sparks flying.
  extra spark 0.39   What gives this an extra spark of promise is that Syria and Egypt are on board.
  first spark 0.39   Former Ryder Cup captain Tom Kite saw the first sparks two years ago.
  new spark 0.39   He could use a few new sparks.
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