military source 116.99   A wounded man died later of his wounds, military sources said.
  diplomatic source 89.53   Air strike underway at Bihac, diplomatic sources say.
  official source 46.35   No official source confirmed that.
  palestinian source 42.53   So did another Palestinian source.
  informed source 40.09   Informed sources told us of the new policy.
  major source 38.91   Biographies are a major source of pleasure.
  unidentified source 34.56   Both cited unidentified sources.
  judicial source 29.95   Judicial sources declined to confirm or deny the tests.
  main source 29.76   Farming is his main source of income.
  israeli source 27.85   Israeli military sources said nobody was hurt.
  reliable source 27.45   But is he a reliable source?
  new source 26.27   In our case there were two new sources.
  unnamed source 22.19   Anyone can use unnamed sources.
  important source 19.68   An important source of vitamin A.
  familiar source 19.29   But sources familiar with the investigation remained cautious.
  serb source 18.43   No one was injured, Serb sources said.
  same source 17.18   Yet all music springs from the same source.
  medical source 16.39   Another two missiles hthe blast, medical sources said.
  only source 15.08   Welfare is their only source of income.
  good source 14.29   All good source material.
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