only sound 10.93   It was the only sound.
  new sound 4.21   And there are new sounds.
  strange sound 3.36   He keeps hearing these strange sounds.
  better sound 3.23   Reviews say her voice sounds better than it has in years.
  familiar sound 3.09   Name sound familiar?
  different sound 2.90   And every one gives a different sound.
  digital sound 2.90   It is digital sound.
  distinctive sound 2.76   Cake is just refining an already distinctive sound.
  loud sound 2.70   Loud sounds.
  recorded sound 2.04   Computers use a variety of formats for recorded sound.
  clicking sound 1.97   A clicking sound.
  faint sound 1.91   And then his ears caught a faint sound.
  stereo sound 1.91   Stereo sound will come from speakers.
  distant sound 1.84   He could already hear distant sounds.
  sucking sound 1.84   That giant sucking sound?
  popping sound 1.78   What is this popping sound, and how can I stop it?
  beautiful sound 1.71   He has very beautiful sounds.
  muffled sound 1.65   Now there were muffled sounds of movement.
  first sound 1.58   Then came the first sound of impact.
  good sound 1.58   No one expected good sound.
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