sell soul 5.66   So did Tech sell its soul?
  have soul 4.94   It had soul.
  bare soul 3.16   We bared our souls to the world tonight.
  save soul 2.76   Saved souls?
  lose soul 2.63   Lost souls, apparently.
  steal soul 1.12   He stole their souls.
  touch soul 0.99   It touches souls.
  find soul 0.92   And she had found her soul.
  feed soul 0.86   During the ritual feast, the souls are fed.
  search soul 0.86   He searched his soul.
  soothe soul 0.86   It soothes the soul when adults take charge.
  stir soul 0.86   These are the sites that stir the soul.
  cleanse soul 0.72   Confession cleanses the soul.
  take soul 0.59   They will have taken our soul.
  capture soul 0.53   The lights, the stillness, the absolute silence can capture the soul.
  purify soul 0.53   By purifying the body, the thinking went, one purified the soul.
  put soul 0.53   You put your soul into the script.
  see soul 0.53   But I never saw a soul.
  bless soul 0.46   Allah bless his soul.
  do soul 0.46   Miller did do some soul searching this summer.
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