world soccer 4.28   Hockey is like world soccer.
  club soccer 2.11   Nilsson never played club soccer abroad.
  season soccer 1.65   Mexico has two soccer seasons each year.
  youth soccer 1.18   Snickers is hawking youth soccer.
  college soccer 0.79   College soccer has reached the age of parity.
  play soccer 0.72   It was like one kid plays soccer and the other is on the debate team.
  quality soccer 0.46   They saw some high quality soccer.
  beach soccer 0.33   But beach soccer is a fun alternative.
  league soccer 0.33   To that end, BSkyB has acquired rights to top sporting and movie programs, including premier league soccer.
  samba soccer 0.33   This time, the Brazilians did not play samba soccer.
  table soccer 0.33   His family says he was playing table soccer.
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