photographer snap 3.49   The photographer snapped.
  loss snap 1.84   The loss snapped a three-day win streak.
  cable snap 1.51   But the tow cable snapped.
  victory snap 1.51   The victory snapped a three-game losing streak.
  win snap 1.45   The win snapped a five-game losing streak.
  stock snap 1.32   Hong Kong stocks snapped a five-session winning streak.
  line snap 1.18   The line snaps.
  flag snap 1.05   Flags snapped in the breeze.
  tourist snap 0.99   Tourists snap pictures at the fence.
  wind snap 0.92   The wind snaps like a sail.
  camera snap 0.72   King takes my camera to snap a few photos.
  head snap 0.53   Heads snapped.
  rope snap 0.53   But the rope nearly snapped.
  leg snap 0.46   Not even a leg snap.
  man snap 0.46   The man snaps at the bait.
  pole snap 0.46   A light pole snapped.
  wire snap 0.46   Wires snapped and sensors broke.
  tree snap 0.39   Recreational vehicles were scattered and trees snapped.
  dog snap 0.33   The dog snapped at the tires and windows, he said.
  ligament snap 0.33   The ligament had snapped.
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