cigarette smoking 9.55   Smoking a cigarette.
  cigar smoking 2.76   Nor is cigar smoking.
  tobacco smoking 0.79   Cigars constitute a complex and vast category of tobacco smoking.
  law smoking 0.66   I laughed when California passed a law outlawing smoking in bars.
  pot smoking 0.59   It unapologetically depicts pot smoking, cheap sex and high crimes of fashion.
  marijuana smoking 0.53   Rated R for obscenity, blunt sexual language, a bedroom sex scene and marijuana smoking.
  pipe smoking 0.53   The speculation is that pipe smoking will benefit.
  chain smoking 0.46   A senior-level officer for a manufacturing firm resumed chain smoking.
  start smoking 0.46   Most who start smoking become addicted but can quit.
  drug smoking 0.33   The search turned up marijuana and a pipe used for smoking the drug.
  stop smoking 0.33   She was the one who made him stop smoking.
  ban smoking 0.26   The government plans to eventually ban smoking in all departments and public offices, said Nasher.
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