people smoke 2.90   Fewer people are smoking.
  man smoke 1.18   The two men smoked.
  woman smoke 1.12   Women are now smoking cigars.
  mother smoke 0.86   Her mother smokes, and so do her grandmothers.
  cigarette smoke 0.72   Gordon gave up cigarette smoking two years ago.
  kid smoke 0.72   Kids should not smoke.
  girl smoke 0.53   Almost one in four teenage girls now smoke.
  student smoke 0.53   The students were caught smoking on school property.
  child smoke 0.46   His children do not smoke.
  patient smoke 0.46   Virtually all patients smoke.
  player smoke 0.46   Almost all the players smoked whenever they were not on the field.
  chain smoke 0.39   The Kurds chain smoke the cheapest Turkish cigarettes.
  oil smoke 0.39   When the oil is smoking, add the steaks.
  smoker smoke 0.39   Smokers smoked.
  teen-ager smoke 0.39   Teen-agers smoke?
  teenager smoke 0.39   Peer pressure, boredom and curiosity, they say, are what usually causes teenagers to smoke.
  cigar smoke 0.33   So did cigar smoke from the playful group of adults at poolside.
  patron smoke 0.33   The German patrons would smoke and sip and read their papers.
  customer smoke 0.26   So what am I supposed to do when more than six customers out there are smoking?
  doctor smoke 0.26   Many doctors smoke.
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