hit slope 1.51   Then they hit the slopes.
  cover slope 0.92   The mountain slopes were covered in forest.
  climb slope 0.66   Wycliffe left his car on the park and climbed the slope to the street.
  have slope 0.59   Rather than having straight slopes, strato-volcanoes typically have concave profiles.
  up slope 0.46   Nearby, Palestinian children scampered up the slope, carrying plastic bags filled with household goods for sale.
  face slope 0.39   Periods of snow will occur along west facing slopes in the Northern Rockies.
  pound slope 0.39   Meanwhile, fighting continued, with artillery pounding the slopes of a strategic Himalayan peak.
  ski slope 0.39   He fishes the rivers of Wyoming and skis its slopes.
  close slope 0.33   Nearly half his life had passed since the Bosnian war closed the slopes.
  catch slope 0.26   But then his ball caught the slope, and it rolled slowly, slowly down the hill.
  down slope 0.26   Green then pointed down the slope to a tree and a rock, and intoned the names of the tribes.
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