soldier slaughter 0.59   The soldiers slaughtered livestock.
  man slaughter 0.39   Beneath a shed of tree branches, dark-skinned men slaughter a cow with long knives.
  meatpacker slaughter 0.39   In addition to low stockpiles, meatpackers are slaughtering fewer hogs this year.
  authority slaughter 0.33   In September, when the first case appeared, authorities slaughtered a herd of cattle at the farm where the contaminated cow was found.
  farmer slaughter 0.33   The elephant population in Sri Lanka is believed to be dwindling as many animals are slaughtered by farmers.
  militia slaughter 0.33   The militia had slaughtered his wife and five children.
  mob slaughter 0.33   Massive bloodshed followed when nationalist mobs slaughtered thousands of suspected leftists and members of the ethnic Chinese minority.
  people slaughter 0.33   Local people slaughter sheep to celebrate.
  troop slaughter 0.33   German troops slaughtered thousands of Serbs and other Yugoslavs during World War II.
  gang slaughter 0.26   Hutu gangs slaughtered tens of thousands of Tutsi.
  official slaughter 0.26   South Korean officials have been slaughtering infected animals, quarantining farms and forbidding them to transport livestock.
  tribesman slaughter 0.26   The remainder either are slaughtered by tribesmen or taken prisoner.
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