composite sketch 5.66   The police put together a composite sketch.
  thumbnail sketch 2.37   Here is the list, with thumbnail sketches.
  rough sketch 1.65   That was the rough sketch, anyway.
  biographical sketch 1.45   Can you provide a biographical sketch on him?
  brief sketch 0.99   Brief sketch of the new prime minister.
  quick sketch 0.92   Gabriella did a quick sketch of her baby daughter.
  new sketch 0.79   The FBI releases a new sketch of the elusive second suspect in the Oklahoma bombing.
  preliminary sketch 0.59   Surprisingly, he does not do preliminary sketches.
  detailed sketch 0.46   CNN said a more detailed sketch of that suspect would be released Tuesday.
  little sketch 0.46   He did a little sketch, and it was a hit.
  charcoal sketch 0.39   A few charcoal sketches were tacked to the walls.
  early sketch 0.39   His early sketches are raw and unpretentious.
  first sketch 0.33   The first composite sketch looked pretty much like him.
  hand-drawn sketch 0.33   She works from hand-drawn sketches, projecting them onto a wall, then tracing them onto cloth.
  initial sketch 0.33   The computerization cut the time from initial sketch to concept car to six months.
  small sketch 0.33   There, before his eyes, lay one large and one small sketch pad.
  comic sketch 0.26   Candidate Vicente Fox submitted to being part of a comic sketch.
  mere sketch 0.26   Many drawings are mere sketches, even doodles, but a few strike chords.
  original sketch 0.26   The original sketches for the libretto point in that direction.
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