older sister 30.55   My older sister is a nurse.
  younger sister 27.91   I have two younger sisters.
  the sister 5.99   The seven sisters?
  elder sister 3.42   His elder sister was there, too.
  young sister 2.24   No that was young sister.
  oldest sister 1.45   His oldest sister interrupted Stanford.
  youngest sister 1.38   His youngest sister, Ellen, became a nun.
  little sister 1.25   She was very fond of her little sister.
  eldest sister 1.05   Her eldest sister, Melissa, did not.
  teen-age sister 0.99   One teen-age sister lives in a group home in Arkansas.
  only sister 0.79   But her only sister, Dolores, did.
  surviving sister 0.79   The five surviving sisters are in nearby rooms.
  middle sister 0.72   Linda, the middle sister, is a doctor.
  beautiful sister 0.66   The two cities are like two beautiful sisters.
  famous sister 0.66   Still another resident is his famous sister Jane.
  dead sister 0.59   You are the spirit of my dead sister.
  first sister 0.59   The first sister took the note.
  new sister 0.59   My new sister is a disgusting colour and very ugly.
  unmarried sister 0.59   Jason has an attractive unmarried sister who lives across the hall.
  american sister 0.53   The American sisters face big obstacles to a family-feud final.
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