lead singer 19.03   Eddie Mills is the lead singer.
  popular singer 6.71   Popular Pakistani singer dies.
  young singer 6.39   His foundation gives grants to young singers.
  jazz singer 4.81   Jazz singers are always down front.
  female singer 4.21   I heard a lot of female singers.
  backup singer 2.96   No band, no backup singers.
  great singer 2.70   Is he a great singer?
  new singer 2.44   The show now features a new singer.
  american singer 2.37   Which, for an American singer, means New York.
  professional singer 2.30   ...a summer school for young professional singers.
  french singer 1.97   The French singer has a new album released this spring.
  black singer 1.84   Which black singer is it that I sound like?
  former singer 1.84   Cherone, the former lead singer of Extreme, fits in well.
  british singer 1.78   British singer Tom Jones was master of ceremonies.
  male singer 1.78   Nor is there much modern precedent for the male singer as band leader.
  good singer 1.65   My dad was a good singer.
  well-known singer 1.45   ABC is soliciting well-known singers to do as Willie did.
  famous singer 1.38   Her father was a famous singer.
  canadian singer 1.25   Canadian singer Paul Brandt, deep country hunk.
  the singer 1.25   The two singers speak for themselves.
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