cardinal sin 2.04   All are cardinal sins here.
  past sin 1.65   Or can his past sins never be forgiven?
  worst sin 1.05   The worst sin is not adultery, certainly.
  unforgivable sin 0.79   Is this an unforgivable sin?
  greatest sin 0.72   That is the greatest sin of all.
  greater sin 0.53   And that, in fashion terms, is a far greater sin.
  major sin 0.53   Committing suicide is a major sin.
  great sin 0.46   Is leaving such a great sin?
  grievous sin 0.46   The Mormon Church considers abortion a grievous sin.
  only sin 0.46   His only sin was being too nice a guy.
  political sin 0.46   Replacing tyranny with tyranny is the most evil of political sins.
  terrible sin 0.46   To refuse would be a terrible sin.
  grave sin 0.39   He has committed a grave sin.
  unpardonable sin 0.39   Then, Belle committed the unpardonable sin.
  old sin 0.33   Old sins have long shadows.
  same sin 0.33   Now they repeat the same sins of their former oppressors.
  shameful sin 0.33   The trial has shocked Egypt, a conservative state where homosexuality is seen as a shameful sin.
  ultimate sin 0.33   Rebuilding the lobby, though, was the ultimate sin.
  alleged sin 0.26   He also spoke about beating him for alleged sins.
  big sin 0.26   That is the big sin for football coaches.
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