dried shrimp 1.65   Drain dried shrimp and pat with paper towels.
  frozen shrimp 1.51   The drugs were hidden in a shipment of frozen shrimp destined for Spain.
  jumbo shrimp 1.51   Want to sell jumbo shrimp?
  grilled shrimp 1.45   Serve with grilled shrimp or chicken.
  cooked shrimp 1.25   Add cooked shrimp and toss to coat.
  fresh shrimp 1.25   Fresh shrimp are also available by the pound.
  fried shrimp 1.25   The fried shrimp was good, too.
  boiled shrimp 0.79   Boiled shrimp is a misnomer.
  tiny shrimp 0.79   These plants hold tiny freshwater shrimp that are the staple for trout at the Ferry.
  small shrimp 0.72   -- Small shrimp are a nuisance to peel.
  cold shrimp 0.59   Buckets of cold shrimp.
  raw shrimp 0.59   Raw shrimp on shiso with flying fish roe.
  spicy shrimp 0.59   Normally I serve spicy grilled shrimp on the skewers I cook them on.
  cocktail shrimp 0.46   Becky can see the curled-up fetus, the size and color of a cocktail shrimp.
  thai shrimp 0.46   The menu also includes Thai shrimp and root beer floats.
  white shrimp 0.46   Some white shrimp come from Mexico, but they are frozen.
  freshwater shrimp 0.39   These plants hold tiny freshwater shrimp that are the staple for trout at the Ferry.
  peeled shrimp 0.39   It is also ridiculously fast, assuming you start with peeled shrimp.
  barbecued shrimp 0.33   If you order the barbecued shrimp, get an extra napkin.
  commercial shrimp 0.33   Most commercial shrimp farms dump the water from their tanks back into the ocean.
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