american shore 3.23   That opinion is not limited to American shores.
  southern shore 2.37   A few flurries and snow showers will develop near the southern shore of the lakes.
  eastern shore 2.30   Flurries will fall near the eastern shores of the Great Lakes.
  northern shore 2.17   The northern shore is green and largely uninhabited.
  western shore 2.04   Thus, the eastern shore is saltier than the western shore.
  italian shore 1.84   Hundreds of clandestine immigrants arrive on Italian shores,
  opposite shore 1.84   Chinese moving along the opposite shore can also be seen.
  south shore 1.84   Follow the south shore, crossing the river where it is shallow enough.
  rocky shore 1.71   We make a beeline for the rocky shore.
  distant shore 1.12   I want to go to distant shores.
  foreign shore 0.86   That is, they all came from foreign shores and were, at first, alien.
  far shore 0.72   The man reaches the far shore.
  mediterranean shore 0.66   The shots came from the direction of the Mediterranean shore, the radios said.
  sandy shore 0.66   The sandy shore has hotel developments at one end.
  far_off shore 0.53   This allows ships to stay farther off shore beyond the range of some anti-ship missiles.
  australian shore 0.46   The two ships are the largest ever to arrive on Australian shores packed with asylum seekers.
  southeastern shore 0.46   Heavy surf from the storm could reach southeastern U.S. shores by Friday.
  craggy shore 0.33   My soul lusts for craggy shores.
  immediate shore 0.33   Yet along the immediate shores of Lake Erie, rain fell instead of snow.
  malaysian shore 0.33   He was also noted for encouraging Malaysian contractors to spread their wings beyond Malaysian shores.
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