delay shipment 6.52   Shipments are delayed.
  stop shipment 5.73   The troops are, however, not authorized to stop any shipments.
  halt shipment 4.54   Some fear war may halt shipments.
  block shipment 3.95   Block the shipment of Iranian supplies to these groups.
  receive shipment 3.69   Villagers receive first shipment of aid.
  resume shipment 3.16   Russia resumed shipments last month.
  suspend shipment 3.09   The shipments have been suspended.
  send shipment 3.03   They sent bulk shipments of food to the country.
  prevent shipment 2.17   Hodges filed a lawsuit last month to prevent the shipments.
  ban shipment 1.97   The FAA has banned the shipment of oxygen generators.
  make shipment 1.97   He had made many shipments of marijuana.
  allow shipment 1.91   But it does not allow direct shipment otherwise.
  expect shipment 1.91   A second shipment was expected in six months.
  intercept shipment 1.91   Authorities said the shipment was intercepted last Friday.
  seize shipment 1.84   He seized shipments of smuggled goods.
  disrupt shipment 1.65   They also vowed to disrupt future shipments.
  get shipment 1.65   They get new shipments every week.
  protect shipment 1.65   Britain said such shipments are protected by convention from customs searches.
  arrange shipment 1.58   Earlier this year it arranged a shipment of medical equipment to Moldova.
  approve shipment 1.45   Also, factors said they continue to approve shipments of merchandise to the retailer.
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