blast shatter 6.45   Blast shatters quiet day.
  explosion shatter 4.15   The explosion shattered the building.
  window shatter 3.88   Suddenly, windows shattered.
  bullet shatter 2.44   One bullet shattered his skull.
  bomb shatter 1.65   The bomb also shattered the Congress Party.
  glass shatter 1.25   The glass shatters.
  attack shatter 1.05   The attack shattered the morning tranquility.
  gunfire shatter 0.66   The gunfire shattered windows but caused no casualties, the agency said.
  impact shatter 0.66   She remembers that the impact shattered the windows.
  quake shatter 0.59   The quake shattered a window in Watsonville, setting off an alarm.
  war shatter 0.59   But when war shattered his homeland, it also shattered his dreams.
  fire shatter 0.53   Machine-gun fire shattered the quiet for hours.
  offensive shatter 0.53   The offensive shattered a four-month Bosnian cease-fire that started at the beginning of the year.
  shot shatter 0.53   One shot shattered a police car windscreen.
  rock shatter 0.39   The rock shattered the window.
  coup shatter 0.33   The coup shattered their tense co-premiership.
  dream shatter 0.33   Too many dreams shattered.
  earthquake shatter 0.33   Like most other urban areas in Japan, Tokyo has often been shattered by earthquakes or burned down.
  failure shatter 0.33   A failure would shatter the hopes of many people.
  protester shatter 0.33   Protesters shatter windows at state TV and daily.
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