cast shadow 25.48   The sun cast their shadows behind them.
  see shadow 4.34   I could see his shadow.
  throw shadow 1.65   The candle flame wavered, throwing shadows on the wall.
  escape shadow 1.12   Does a person ever escape the shadow of the cross?
  have shadow 0.79   Do they have shadows?
  create shadow 0.66   They are subtly modeled to catch the light and create shadows.
  chase shadow 0.53   They spent most of a record stuffing making big-hearted tackles and chasing shadows.
  add shadow 0.33   WordArt allows you to add shadows.
  prefer shadow 0.33   Evans has always preferred the shadows.
  send shadow 0.33   The gas lamp flickered and spluttered above him, sending moving shadows across the walls.
  banish shadow 0.26   Sadly, nothing is going to banish the shadows that are gathering around the Three Tenors.
  feel shadow 0.26   Sunday diners are subdued, already feeling the shadow of the workweek.
  make shadow 0.26   We made flashlight shadows on the ceiling.
  shake shadow 0.26   But first she would have to shake her shadow.
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