water seep 5.33   Water seeped into the reservoir.
  blood seep 1.12   Blood seeps from every orifice.
  gas seep 0.92   The gas is seeping out of the rocks.
  air seep 0.79   But the air seeped out of the dot-com bubble.
  oil seep 0.79   Some oil had seeped out, discolouring the grass.
  rain seep 0.66   Driving rain seeped through the roof or shutters.
  word seep 0.53   Slowly, the word is seeping out.
  chemical seep 0.46   The chemicals seeped into the ground.
  moisture seep 0.33   Moisture had seeped into the very pores of the building, badly weakening the structure.
  smoke seep 0.33   Smoke was seeping from the roof.
  fluid seep 0.26   Fluid seeps into their lungs, blocking breathing.
  material seep 0.26   Now that the Hendrix family has control of the catalog, previously unheard material has been seeping out.
  waste seep 0.26   The waste had seeped into inland waters, including the Thi Vai river.
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