sesame seed 12.18   ...sesame seeds.
  fennel seed 3.09   Sprinkle with fennel seeds.
  cumin seed 2.24   Add the toasted cumin seeds.
  coriander seed 2.17   In a dry skillet, combine coriander seed, anise, cumin and oregano.
  grass seed 2.04   And we can plant grass seed.
  plant seed 1.78   Plant more than one seed.
  number seed 1.45   Agassi is the number two seed in the tournament.
  celery seed 1.38   The seeds look just like celery seeds.
  hemp seed 1.25   Hemp seed is rich in protein and Vitamin E.
  cotton seed 1.18   A man and his camel grind cotton seeds into oil.
  pomegranate seed 1.18   Pomegranate seeds.
  watermelon seed 0.92   The coroner found watermelon seeds in the stomach.
  bird seed 0.86   Children visit with bird seed.
  tomato seed 0.86   Saving tomato seeds involves several steps.
  playoff seed 0.79   The victory clinched the third playoff seed in the Eastern Conference for the Pacers.
  corn seed 0.72   Mycogen, like Ciba-Geigy, is marketing genetically altered corn seed.
  ground seed 0.72   Garnish with a pinch of ground cardamom seeds.
  rice seed 0.72   If the cows opt for rice seeds or corn, then cereals will be bountiful.
  wildflower seed 0.72   I also planted some wildflower seeds.
  year seed 0.72   So Hill just plants new seed each year.
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