state secret 27.06   State secrets?
  nuclear secret 9.68   Engineer accused of selling nuclear secrets.
  military secret 9.55   China steals our military secrets.
  guarded secret 6.91   These are closely guarded secrets now.
  dark secret 4.34   But Hugh harbors a dark secret.
  little secret 4.21   This was my little secret.
  top secret 4.15   Top secret.
  family secret 3.49   It is not a family secret.
  leaking secret 3.23   She was charged with leaking state secrets.
  well-kept secret 2.37   This is a well-kept secret of the experts.
  big secret 2.30   The big secret?
  american secret 1.97   He was firmly opposed to China stealing American nuclear secrets.
  national secret 1.65   Details of it are a top national secret.
  worst-kept secret 1.58   It is perhaps the worst-kept secret in Germany.
  best-kept secret 1.51   Money, however, is the best-kept secret.
  real secret 1.51   The real secret?
  held secret 1.38   His decision to retire was a closely held secret.
  official secret 1.32   A man was charged today with leaking official secrets.
  dirty secret 1.25   But it had a dirty secret.
  great secret 1.25   No great secret.
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