conduct search 29.43   Bomb searches were conducted.
  continue search 18.76   So Sarah continues her search.
  begin search 15.67   So, we began the search.
  launch search 15.34   So Adams launched a search.
  resume search 7.18   They plan to resume the search Tuesday.
  join search 6.98   Friends joined the search.
  help search 5.92   They do not help the search for peace.
  narrow search 5.40   The computer narrows the search.
  hamper search 5.27   Rough conditions hamper search.
  suspend search 5.13   The search was suspended after dark Wednesday.
  start search 5.07   Start your search at
  do search 4.81   Doing a search is simple.
  carry search 4.74   House searches were also carried out.
  make search 3.62   No searches were made.
  abandon search 3.49   The search was later abandoned.
  end search 3.49   I decided to end my search there.
  complete search 3.29   Arroyo said there is no target date for completing the search.
  call_off search 3.09   The search was then called off.
  order search 2.90   Barbera ordered a search for Molqi.
  expand search 2.76   He has now expanded the search nationally.
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