police seal 8.56   Police sealed downtown Afula.
  army seal 3.95   The army has since sealed the house.
  troop seal 3.49   Troops seal Hebron after shooting.
  authority seal 2.30   Because it is continuing, authorities sealed the plea agreements.
  force seal 2.17   During the clashes, security forces sealed off the area to traffic.
  judge seal 1.84   The judge has sealed the complaints, he said.
  official seal 1.18   Officials have sealed the mine pending an investigation.
  remains seal 1.05   The war ended in an uneasy armistice and the border remains sealed.
  soldier seal 0.99   The U.S. soldiers sealed the entrances to about four of those caves.
  worker seal 0.72   Maintenance workers sealed the gap last week, officials said.
  company seal 0.46   The companies sealed their deal, a year and a day after it was announced, late tonight.
  court seal 0.39   Courts have sealed all information about those arrested.
  deal seal 0.39   Deal sealed.
  record seal 0.39   This means he would have been released, and after six months his case dismissed and his record sealed.
  side seal 0.39   Sanders swept left but found that side sealed.
  government seal 0.33   He said the government had sealed the building where the two men worked.
  rebel seal 0.33   He said they needed know what happened during the five days that rebels sealed off camps to outsiders.
  victory seal 0.33   The victory sealed the division title for Philadelphia.
  shellac seal 0.26   A. Good old clear shellac will seal the knots.
  unit seal 0.26   Military units sealed the area surrounding the depot.
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