rough sea 30.09   Rough seas.
  open sea 10.60   The other side faced the open sea.
  heavy sea 9.22   The boat was battling heavy seas.
  choppy sea 8.10   These winds will create choppy seas.
  deep sea 7.31   He went deep sea diving in Belize.
  coastal sea 4.87   Coastal seas have thus peaked.
  calm sea 4.34   Then he sped to shore on calm seas.
  higher sea 3.69   Winds and seas higher near showers.
  stormy sea 3.69   On a very stormy sea.
  blue sea 2.37   The sun shone brightly upon the clear blue sea.
  shining sea 1.71   He saw himself flying from sea to shining sea.
  vital sea 1.51   The Spratlys straddle vital sea lanes.
  huge sea 1.38   Beyond, the huge sea cliffs of the northern edge of Heim?
  raging sea 1.32   They stood on the cliff and gazed down at the raging sea beneath.
  rising sea 1.32   Micronesian president warns of rising seas.
  roiling sea 1.25   The flags were a roiling sea of red, white and blue.
  smooth sea 1.25   Smooth seas.
  turbulent sea 1.25   One simple statement to the turbulent sea.
  warm sea 1.25   ...warm aquamarine seas and white beaches.
  cold sea 1.18   Michael was already slipping into a coma after three hours in the cold seas.
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