team score 16.59   Both teams can score.
  run score 15.40   A run scored.
  player score 9.61   Six players scored.
  offense score 3.09   Then the offense scored a touchdown.
  runner score 3.09   Both runners scored.
  starter score 2.44   Every starter scored at least one run.
  side score 2.37   Neither side has scored.
  striker score 2.37   Brazilian striker Marquinhos scored for Cerezo.
  judge score 1.84   Which judges are scoring tonight?
  goal score 1.65   Twelve goals scored.
  opponent score 1.65   These opponents have scored points.
  student score 1.51   Most Palm Beach County students scored in the two lowest levels.
  defense score 1.18   Strong defenses typically score.
  line score 0.92   All four lines scored.
  defender score 0.86   A defender even scored the decisive goal.
  champion score 0.79   When Cermeno stayed away, the champion scored with left jabs.
  company score 0.79   Steel companies also scored big gains.
  hit score 0.79   The hit scored Donnels, who had walked.
  man score 0.79   Ten men scored.
  party score 0.79   Extreme right-wing parties scored more pronounced successes.
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