eye scan 1.45   His eyes scanned the clubhouse.
  camera scan 0.92   High-tech security cameras scan the hallways.
  machine scan 0.66   Portable X-ray machines scan suspicious luggage.
  computer scan 0.59   The test booklets are lined up and are ready to be scanned by computer.
  program scan 0.53   These programs automatically scan your hard disk and look for viruses.
  bone scan 0.46   He will have a bone scan Thursday.
  trader scan 0.46   Traders will scan an employment cost report Tuesday.
  customer scan 0.39   Self-scanners allow customers to scan their purchases as they shop, saving time at checkouts.
  police scan 0.39   Mexican police scanned the crowd.
  shopper scan 0.39   New machines allow shoppers to scan their own groceries.
  ultrasound scan 0.39   I had an ultrasound scan to see how the pregnancy was progressing.
  worker scan 0.39   Rescue workers were scanning the river.
  device scan 0.33   A laser device scans the information, and a processor interprets the data as video and audio signals.
  guard scan 0.33   Today, armed guards at NEADS scan cars at the gate for bombs.
  people scan 0.33   So many people scanned the site that it overheated and crashed.
  researcher scan 0.33   The researchers then scanned their brains while they completed two tasks.
  scientist scan 0.33   Scientists scan its crater rim with binoculars as clouds of noxious gases spew out.
  software scan 0.26   The new software scans e-mail and computer files downloaded from the Internet.
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