plastic sack 2.44   Shall we need some plastic sacks?
  first sack 1.58   He also earned his first career sack.
  large sack 1.25   She held up a large sack.
  full sack 0.92   Mail sacks full of checks arrive at Kensington Palace.
  big sack 0.86   Need a big sack?
  small sack 0.86   The boy carries a small brown sack.
  the sack 0.66   Then came the three sacks and missed field goal.
  white sack 0.59   The body, wrapped in a white sack, was in a coffin covered in cardboard.
  heavy sack 0.53   Porters in old clothes and rubber boots almost ran as they heaved heavy sacks and bundles.
  black sack 0.39   The bodies were arriving wrapped in black plastic sacks, carried by helicopters from the crash site.
  bulging sack 0.39   Russia, formerly known as the Soviet Union, always takes home a bulging sack of golds, silver and bronzes.
  huge sack 0.33   Tellers handed huge sacks of bills to cashiers from the ministries.
  intravenous sack 0.33   Intravenous sacks hung from coat hangers.
  brown sack 0.26   The boy carries a small brown sack.
  dirty sack 0.26   He also had a dirty sack placed over his head, the group said.
  empty sack 0.26   Sea sickness and an empty sack are the worst things that can happen to a first-time saltwater angler.
  only sack 0.26   He also had the only sack of the game.
  second sack 0.26   The next night, he tossed a second sack.
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