clear rubble 5.46   Akbar cleared that rubble, too.
  search rubble 4.34   Police were searching the rubble for clues.
  remove rubble 1.58   There, they removed the rubble by hand.
  comb rubble 1.12   Dozens of high-level Palestinian security police combed the rubble.
  clear_away rubble 0.46   In Olympia, the state capital south of Seattle, several streets were blocked off as crews began clearing away rubble.
  sift rubble 0.46   The good life gone, Bosnian woman sifts rubble to survive.
  haul rubble 0.33   But residents were already out with brooms, carts and pickup trucks to haul the rubble away.
  clean_up rubble 0.26   Crews cleaned up rubble that had blocked sidewalks and streets.
  move rubble 0.26   Some spaces are so tight that heavy equipment cannot be brought in to move rubble.
  see rubble 0.26   I saw rubble all over the floor.
  strew rubble 0.26   The first story was completely crushed, and the rubble was strewn with shoes and bedding.
  tour rubble 0.26   As Rose was being mourned and buried, Albright toured the rubble of the two bombed-out embassy sites.
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