long rope 1.58   They are willing to give you a long rope.
  thick rope 1.32   Thick ropes hang from the roof of the caves.
  tight rope 1.05   This time the tight rope broke on Martina Hingis.
  climbing rope 0.79   Snicker at Ramsey Clark climbing rope.
  jumping rope 0.59   For some, jumping rope is performing.
  old rope 0.59   It was money for old rope.
  skipping rope 0.59   She was holding a suspender in each hand like she had a skipping rope.
  white rope 0.59   Secure sheet at waist with white belt or white rope.
  blue rope 0.53   For the Fourth of July, you could twine a red, a clear and a blue rope up the trunk of a tree.
  top rope 0.53   Beginners learn to climb by top rope, meaning a rope is secured at the top of the cliff.
  yellow rope 0.53   Jacoby could see a yellow rope hung from each tree.
  elastic rope 0.39   His life was saved because of the elastic rope, the newspaper added.
  gold rope 0.39   Leather trews or gold ropes and chains, from Brooklyn to Bracknell, the code of confidence cuts through.
  knotted rope 0.39   ...a knotted rope.
  plastic rope 0.39   Hayat was found dead with a plastic rope tied around his neck.
  red rope 0.39   Red ropes created a walkway through which no one moved.
  frayed rope 0.33   Fiset is emotional, with frayed rope for nerve endings.
  makeshift rope 0.33   Men used their Afghan shawls as makeshift ropes to scale the walls to the ground.
  short rope 0.33   To maintain contact without bumping, each will hold one end of a short rope.
  thin rope 0.33   The three are left dangling from a very high place on a very thin rope.
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