law restrict 7.97   Other laws restrict price discounts.
  government restrict 6.39   The government restricts religious groups.
  bill restrict 2.63   The bill also restricts the right of assembly.
  rule restrict 1.58   U.N. rules restrict civilian flights to Iraq.
  state restrict 1.58   Many states restrict certain jobs to citizens.
  authority restrict 1.25   Authorities have restricted protests to seven parks in the city.
  measure restrict 1.25   Tighter security measures are restricting our freedom of movement.
  police restrict 1.12   Police restricted access to the area.
  regulation restrict 1.12   Current regulations restrict such asssistance.
  official restrict 1.05   Senior Vietnamese official restricts coverage of scandal.
  legislation restrict 0.99   Legislation restricts civil rights and gives security services free reign.
  army restrict 0.79   Still, the army has restricted access to the area, raising suspicions.
  policy restrict 0.79   The policy did restrict other types of testing, however.
  proposal restrict 0.79   The proposals would restrict the expansion of News International and the Mirror Group.
  company restrict 0.72   Most companies restrict access.
  amendment restrict 0.66   The amendment restricts offices to people whose parents were born in Zambia.
  plan restrict 0.66   Opponents said the plan would restrict free speech.
  agreement restrict 0.59   The agreement will restrict competition.
  treaty restrict 0.59   That treaty restricts such systems to one location.
  constitution restrict 0.53   Sezer says the constitution restricts basic rights and freedoms.
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