show restraint 19.75   Show some restraint.
  exercise restraint 16.39   Restraint is being exercised.
  urge restraint 12.38   But he urged restraint.
  use restraint 3.88   Use restraint.
  impose restraint 1.58   The government has imposed restraints on corporate mergers.
  put restraint 0.92   We were able to put the restraints on him.
  need restraint 0.79   More restraint is needed.
  have restraint 0.72   Obviously, I have some restraints.
  place restraint 0.59   The agency will place some restraints on banks.
  accept restraint 0.53   Hubert, a former doctor, had been reluctant to accept restraints on medical spending.
  counsel restraint 0.53   At the same time, he continues to counsel restraint.
  lift restraint 0.53   Those restraints are lifted when an officer retires.
  remove restraint 0.53   In the execution room, the restraints will be removed and he will be strapped to a table.
  require restraint 0.53   That requires maximum restraint.
  demand restraint 0.46   Powell also is demanding restraint from Israeli forces on the West Bank.
  exhibit restraint 0.46   But you can exhale, exhibit restraint, and set an example for America.
  loosen restraint 0.46   The judge asked that the restraints be loosened somewhat.
  practice restraint 0.46   Britain and Germany have cautioned Turkey to practice restraint.
  ease restraint 0.39   Unfortunately, the House has heeded them and is considering a bill that goes too far to ease the restraints.
  abandon restraint 0.33   As he repeatedly got away with murder, Shipman abandoned restraint.
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