fiscal restraint 4.41   On fiscal restraint?
  prior restraint 3.03   The only weapon for you is prior restraint.
  spending restraint 2.17   -- None favored tax cuts without spending restraint.
  maximum restraint 1.71   That requires maximum restraint.
  new restraint 1.32   His new restraint is welcome.
  physical restraint 1.18   Death was due to a lack of oxygen, caused by physical restraint.
  great restraint 1.12   He showed great restraint, however.
  judicial restraint 1.12   Both were brilliant legal scholars who advocated the doctrine of judicial restraint.
  unlawful restraint 1.12   Winsor was accused of unlawful restraint and sexual imposition.
  military restraint 1.05   One of them, Christine Gomes, urges military restraint.
  budgetary restraint 0.92   But he accepted there were budgetary restraints.
  greater restraint 0.92   France, with far more troops at peril, exacted greater restraints on coverage.
  similar restraint 0.92   The Europeans have similar restraints from their governments.
  financial restraint 0.86   You have political restraints and financial restraints.
  israeli restraint 0.72   Albright urged Israeli restraint.
  no restraint 0.72   Ukraine felt no such restraints.
  voluntary restraint 0.72   The best solution would be voluntary restraint.
  legal restraint 0.59   At the moment, Shin Beth has no legal restraints, he said.
  same restraint 0.59   With luck, the loser will show the same restraint.
  unconstitutional restraint 0.59   That is an unconstitutional prior restraint.
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