plastic resin 1.97   They actually are plastic resin identification codes.
  synthetic resin 1.12   It also owns units which produce rubber and synthetic resins.
  polyester resin 0.59   The cocaine was found in green metal drums marked as containing polyester resins.
  translucent resin 0.46   Above the bar, rows of wine bottles float behind a translucent white resin wall.
  natural resin 0.33   Most natural resins are produced by plants or trees to cover a wound.
  new resin 0.33   The new resin is sandable and has a long shelf life.
  clear resin 0.26   Its researchers set to work developing a clear resin that could enclose anything stuck into it.
  green resin 0.26   The floor is lined with a polished, cool green resin.
  polyvinyl resin 0.26   Some agents like polyvinyl resin do not sand well.
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