make repair 19.22   Make repairs.
  need repair 7.57   Its rings need repair.
  undergo repair 6.25   It is still undergoing major repairs.
  do repair 4.48   They do the repairs.
  complete repair 4.21   Repairs were completed four days later.
  carry repair 3.55   These genes in turn carry out repairs.
  require repair 2.17   The boats required extensive repairs.
  finish repair 1.71   Pajot predicted the repairs could be finished in one to two weeks.
  perform repair 1.58   Many house watchers perform minor repairs.
  begin repair 1.45   Engineers were to begin repairs to damaged electrical lines.
  include repair 0.92   Much remains to do, including major repairs on trust and image.
  await repair 0.86   The orphanage compound there was damaged and awaits repair.
  attempt repair 0.79   The rails will permit future spacewalkers to attempt external repairs.
  handle repair 0.79   Cosmonauts handling repairs are a veteran and a rookie.
  start repair 0.72   It collapsed just as the workers were preparing to start repairs.
  delay repair 0.66   But union officials said that a strike would delay repairs.
  offer repair 0.66   Some also offer BIOS repairs.
  cover repair 0.59   Insurance will cover the repairs.
  undertake repair 0.59   The mere fact that they are willing to undertake these repairs proves that they fear us.
  plan repair 0.53   Other repairs are planned.
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