outright rejection 1.45   In other EU capitals, the reaction was silence or an outright rejection.
  initial rejection 1.05   But the initial rejection still stung.
  immune rejection 0.72   Immune rejection remains a key stumbling block.
  public rejection 0.66   Public U.S. appeals led to public rejections.
  recent rejection 0.66   He was informed of the most recent rejection shortly before he went berserk.
  earlier rejection 0.59   After his union with the Charlotte became official, Davis sidestepped the earlier rejection.
  immediate rejection 0.53   He prefers the immediate rejection.
  second rejection 0.53   It was the second Norwegian rejection of closer ties to Europe.
  clear rejection 0.46   The appointments are also a clear rejection of demands by university students for political reform.
  serb rejection 0.46   Serb rejection of the peace plan has been the main obstacle to reaching a settlement.
  total rejection 0.46   It hardly needs to be said that there is also a total rejection of moral principles.
  polite rejection 0.39   That was a polite rejection.
  repeated rejection 0.39   Repeated rejections lead to transplant failure and the need for another transplant.
  complete rejection 0.33   But it was considered unlikely such a complete rejection of the U.S. arguments would be changed.
  emphatic rejection 0.33   That notion brought an emphatic rejection from the administration on Thursday.
  formal rejection 0.33   Worse, he said, there was no formal rejection.
  official rejection 0.33   The suspicions refuse to go away despite official rejections of continued doping.
  resounding rejection 0.33   How hard was it to cope with resounding rejection?
  acute rejection 0.26   But with no acute rejection, immediate therapy and amputation were not needed.
  congressional rejection 0.26   He was stunned a month ago by congressional rejection of his vision of free trade across the Americas.
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