government regard 5.46   The government regards them as mere bandits.
  people regard 4.87   White people regard him as a madman.
  analyst regard 3.82   Most analysts regard this as a weak draft.
  official regard 3.09   U.S. officials regard that as alarmist.
  decision regard 1.65   White said Thursday that no decisions regarding Enron had come to his office.
  observer regard 1.38   Most observers regard the case as a longshot.
  critic regard 1.25   Then, too, some critics regard aftercare as coddling.
  expert regard 1.25   For that reason, the experts regard them as worrisome.
  investor regard 1.18   Still, investors should not regard dividends as a guarantee of stability.
  military regard 1.18   The military regards headscarves as a political statement.
  company regard 1.12   Dingle said the company regarded the EIP as a meaningful project.
  most regard 0.92   Most regard the Irish Republic as a meddling outsider.
  administration regard 0.86   But the administration still regards it as part of China.
  economist regard 0.86   Economists regard it as the more realitic of the two.
  leader regard 0.79   Community leaders regard them as partners.
  side regard 0.79   The two sides regarded each other calmly.
  country regard 0.72   Each country regarded the other as a major military threat.
  group regard 0.72   The aboriginal groups regard inducing death as a form of witchcraft.
  man regard 0.72   The men similarly regarded leaving the ship as unthinkable.
  scientist regard 0.72   Not all scientists regard this as a bad thing.
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