high regard 10.01   I have a high regard for him.
  scant regard 1.25   They produce goods with scant regard for quality.
  highest regard 1.18   I had the highest regard for him.
  great regard 0.86   I have great regard for him.
  low regard 0.86   Teachers are held in low regard in this society .
  due regard 0.59   The aim is to get the job done as cheaply as possible, with due regard to high standards.
  higher regard 0.59   He has always been spoken of in higher regard than most politicians.
  proper regard 0.39   One must show proper regard for the law.
  same regard 0.33   But in the same regard, this league has become very competitive.
  mutual regard 0.26   Their mutual regard is of the sparest, simplest and most profound sort.
  similar regard 0.26   But Allen was held in similar regard by his teammates.
  special regard 0.26   He sends you his special regards.
  warm regard 0.26   Many also held warm regard for the queen.
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