recover recorder 2.17   The cockpit voice recorder was recovered.
  find recorder 1.51   The two recorders were found Thursday.
  send recorder 0.79   The Saudi recorders were sent to London in December.
  damage recorder 0.59   The flight data recorder was slightly damaged, the report said.
  fly recorder 0.53   The recorder immediately was flown to Washington for evaluation.
  have recorder 0.46   The Cessna business jet did not have recorders.
  play recorder 0.46   They learn to play the recorder.
  use recorder 0.46   Sometimes he used the recorder to help him keep minutes of meetings.
  analyze recorder 0.39   Both recorders will be analyzed in Australia.
  carry recorder 0.39   In most jetliners, the recorder is carried in the tail.
  take recorder 0.33   The data recorder was being taken to Washington for analysis.
  discover recorder 0.26   The recorder was discovered Tuesday.
  examine recorder 0.26   Two recovered flight recorders were being examined.
  include recorder 0.26   Some models are beginning to include voice recorders.
  retrieve recorder 0.26   A black box fight data recorder was retrieved and is being analyzed in Washington, D.C.
  test recorder 0.26   Executive Airlines policy required recorders to be tested on the first flight of every day, he said.
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