international recognition 24.49   Both have earned international recognition.
  diplomatic recognition 13.56   Diplomatic recognition could be another carrot.
  mutual recognition 10.73   Mutual recognition of listing particulars.
  official recognition 10.14   The group wanted official recognition.
  national recognition 5.46   National recognition came slowly.
  formal recognition 4.54   Brown makes no secret that he wants formal recognition.
  public recognition 4.08   Public recognition.
  federal recognition 4.02   The law denies federal recognition of same-sex marriages.
  legal recognition 4.02   Legal recognition is not needed to worship freely.
  greater recognition 3.23   Larger TV deals have helped bring greater recognition.
  growing recognition 2.96   And they are being rewarded with growing recognition abroad.
  facial recognition 2.50   Facial recognition computer software.
  full recognition 2.17   It may even be impossible to gain full recognition.
  de_facto recognition 1.91   A formal cease-fire, signed by both sides, would amount to a de facto Serb recognition of the KLA.
  special recognition 1.91   Three Highland students got special recognition.
  wider recognition 1.84   She deserves wider recognition.
  widespread recognition 1.51   His writing continued to attract widespread recognition.
  instant recognition 1.45   Instant recognition.
  worldwide recognition 1.18   I was happy to see the worldwide recognition.
  belated recognition 1.12   Tony Rominger has a shot at belated recognition.
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