water recede 9.61   The water has receded.
  floodwater recede 2.44   The oily brown floodwaters are receding.
  flood recede 1.18   Deaths rise as floods recede.
  river recede 0.92   Emergency officials said the river is receding.
  threat recede 0.72   As the talks progressed, the NATO threat receded.
  hair recede 0.53   His hair is receding, too.
  fear recede 0.46   Now, with better-than-expected harvests, those fears have receded.
  issue recede 0.46   All three issues have receded, but remain unresolved.
  war recede 0.39   If the war itself can recede, so can public anger at LBJ.
  concern recede 0.33   That concern had largely receded after the Democratic National Convention.
  pressure recede 0.33   The reports support the view that inflationary pressures are receding as the deutsche mark gains against the dollar.
  tide recede 0.33   The tide was receding, there was a fair way to shift them to the water.
  cloud recede 0.26   Low clouds will gradually recede along the southern and New England Seaboards.
  crisis recede 0.26   Unemployment will decline only after the crisis recedes.
  danger recede 0.26   But as anesthesia techniques improved, the danger receded.
  glacier recede 0.26   Glaciers are receding.
  hairline recede 0.26   Maybe the hairline has receded a bit.
  panic recede 0.26   But the panic has receded and Poland is moving forward.
  prospect recede 0.26   Last week he said that because legislative prospects had receded, there was no need for a list.
  swelling recede 0.26   X X X And then the swelling receded.
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