crush rebellion 4.87   Loyal troops crushed the rebellion.
  end rebellion 3.69   Efforts to end the rebellion have broken down twice.
  lead rebellion 2.70   All three have led successful rebellions.
  launch rebellion 2.37   Authorities said they still did not know why the prisoners had launched the rebellion.
  face rebellion 2.24   Trimble is facing rebellion from hard-liners in his party.
  foment rebellion 1.97   They were accused of fomenting rebellion.
  quell rebellion 1.78   Her own rebellion was quelled by the royal family.
  support rebellion 1.51   He hit out at Russia for supporting the rebellion.
  join rebellion 1.32   Since then, many young Tamils have joined the rebellion.
  quash rebellion 1.25   The attack was beaten back, and the KNU claimed to have quashed the rebellion.
  back rebellion 1.05   Some suspected that the rebellion was backed and financed by the US.
  encourage rebellion 1.05   Demography is encouraging the rebellion against overwork.
  spark rebellion 1.05   That sparked a rebellion.
  fuel rebellion 0.92   But the steady drop in pollution fueled a rebellion against strict anti-pollution measures.
  put_down rebellion 0.92   This rebellion was bloodily put down.
  fight rebellion 0.79   I would have thought it a proper job for the Army to fight rebellion.
  suppress rebellion 0.79   Troops moved in to suppress the rebellion.
  sponsor rebellion 0.72   Zaire accuses Rwanda and neighboring Uganda of sponsoring the rebellion, a charge both deny.
  stage rebellion 0.72   Farmers who opposed the tax staged a rebellion that forced Washington to back down.
  incite rebellion 0.66   The Taliban said Haq was planning to incite a rebellion.
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