armed rebellion 9.48   It is an armed communist rebellion.
  serb rebellion 4.87   The Serb rebellion effectively ended in August last year.
  separatist rebellion 3.03   Seventeen killed in religious riots and separatist rebellion.
  military rebellion 2.30   Chan sacked Singirok, sparking a military rebellion here.
  open rebellion 1.97   Algiers was in open rebellion.
  indian rebellion 1.38   Police brutality cited in Indian rebellion.
  kurdish rebellion 1.38   Recent decades have seen Kurdish rebellions in Iran, Iraq and Turkey.
  violent rebellion 1.32   Outbreaks of violent rebellion have divided the region ever since.
  anti-government rebellion 1.25   And last month, it crushed an anti-government rebellion led by a militant Shiite cleric.
  ethnic rebellion 1.25   Drenica is the heart of ethnic Albanian rebellion in Kosovo.
  popular rebellion 1.25   What began as a popular rebellion degenerated into full scale tribal war.
  muslim rebellion 1.12   Pakistan denies Indian allegations that it foments the Muslim rebellion.
  albanian rebellion 0.86   Drenica is the heart of ethnic Albanian rebellion in Kosovo.
  growing rebellion 0.79   Anarchy in port town foreshadows growing rebellion in Albania.
  anti-indian rebellion 0.72   Islamabad denies the allegation but extends diplomatic support to the anti-Indian rebellion in Kashmir.
  southern rebellion 0.66   Diplomats had said it was intended as a final push to crush the southern rebellion.
  teen-age rebellion 0.66   Certainly, teen-age rebellion through clothes is nothing new.
  bloody rebellion 0.59   Deuba sees the six-month extension of the state of emergency as essential to combat a bloody Maoist rebellion in the country.
  current rebellion 0.59   That violence eventually ignited the current rebellion.
  failed rebellion 0.59   Kabila, who had been involved in several failed rebellions in Zaire, was a frequent visitor to Tanzania.
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