block ray 0.72   Clouds do not block UV rays.
  absorb ray 0.66   Some picture glass is treated to absorb ultraviolet rays.
  catch ray 0.66   Spalding Gray is catching some rays.
  offer ray 0.59   Economists offered one ray of hope.
  see ray 0.53   Giambi sees a ray of hope.
  provide ray 0.46   They could provide a ray of hope amid the general business and economic gloom.
  send ray 0.46   The sun, as it set, sent its rays spinning across the water directly toward us.
  beam ray 0.33   All he could do was beam a ray of pure hatred at Sherman.
  use ray 0.33   A custom-tailoring service uses light rays rather than a measuring tape to size up customers.
  emit ray 0.26   Actinium emits energy rays too.
  reflect ray 0.26   During full-moon nights, the silver rays are reflected off white rock formations.
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