lower rating 5.60   The rating was lowered to BBB, from A-.
  cut rating 5.27   Its debt ratings were cut.
  get rating 5.27   It would get high ratings.
  raise rating 4.28   Brown raised their ratings on the stock.
  have rating 3.95   They have the rating.
  boost rating 3.23   Johnson would be a sure way to boost the ratings.
  receive rating 2.96   Paris and Toronto also received top ratings.
  downgrade rating 2.57   Several analysts downgraded their rating on the stock.
  base rating 1.78   The ratings are based on a five-star system.
  give rating 1.78   No historical support ratings were given.
  use rating 1.65   Hey, ABC could use the ratings.
  draw rating 1.51   Foreman consistently draws double-digit ratings on HBO.
  improve rating 1.51   But Aquila will do what it takes to improve its rating.
  increase rating 1.38   Renneisen said that not all the changes were intended to increase ratings.
  upgrade rating 1.32   A year later, Miller upgraded the rating to two stars.
  earn rating 1.12   Throughout her career, her restaurants consistently earned top ratings.
  reduce rating 1.05   He reduced his rating to neutral.
  change rating 0.99   The assassination did not prompt it to change its rating.
  release rating 0.99   National ratings will be released Tuesday.
  assign rating 0.79   Dealers often assign ratings, though not all adhere to the same systems.
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