dead rat 1.97   Eat dead rats!
  plastic rat 1.71   But not plastic rats.
  infected rat 1.32   It comes from bacteria carried by fleas from infected rats.
  female rat 1.12   Eight week old female outbred Wistar rats were housed individually.
  male rat 0.86   Male Wistar rats were used as the experimental animal.
  young rat 0.66   At night they slide soundlessly among the branches, hunting mice, young rats or smaller birds.
  giant rat 0.59   A giant rat in their dugout.
  large rat 0.59   A very large rat.
  pregnant rat 0.59   Also on board the shuttle are Medaka fish eggs, pregnant rats and moths.
  adult rat 0.53   It involved adult rats whose spinal cords were completely severed, leaving a gap of about one-fifth of an inch.
  treated rat 0.53   Ruda said the treated rats reacted to the heat about twice as fast as the control rats.
  black rat 0.46   Well what type of rats, are they just big black rats?
  huge rat 0.46   At night, huge rats take their place.
  big rat 0.39   They look like big rats.
  live rat 0.39   In her hands, sure enough, is a live rat.
  normal rat 0.39   Each group received normal rat chow.
  trapped rat 0.39   A half-hour later, the tenants are baiting the super like a trapped rat.
  pet rat 0.33   He gathered the boys, two pet dogs and a pet rat and fled.
  fried rat 0.26   Imagine eating a fried rat.
  newborn rat 0.26   In a third experiment, the motor neurons of newborn rats were severed.
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